At EMA, being a valuable member of our industry and our community is one of the most important things we do.

  • Compliance/Performance Management Systems

    SCADA, Laboratory, and Maintenance Management systems all generate significant amounts of data, vital to the management of a modern Water utility. Our focus on compliance and performance management will consolidate and leverage the right data, presented in the right format, to meet regulatory reporting requirements as well as management and operational level Key Performance Indicators […]

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  • Mobile Workforce Management

    Today’s operations and maintenance staff should not be tied to a control room or maintenance shop. Leveraging mobile technology will allow operators and maintenance teams to access SCADA and O&M information where and when they need it. We design mobile workforce solutions that deliver information effectively and securely.

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  • Energy Management Programs

    Energy costs comprise the second or third highest percentage of total utility operational costs. Investments in energy efficiency, demand reduction, and energy management can yield tangible and significant reductions in the cost of operations and attractive returns on investments. EMA approaches energy management from a holistic perspective, including energy cost-down planning, process optimization, energy efficiency, […]

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  • Process/System Optimization

    Are you fully leveraging your SCADA system? Advances in instrumentation and process control techniques can allow operations staff to be more efficient in the face of tightening regulatory limits and workforce constraints. EMA’s team of process control specialists can help optimize your system.

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  • SCADA Master Planning

    Investments in SCADA systems require careful planning, and not just technology planning. SCADA system planning also must consider how the system will be used and maintained. Our approach to planning spans Operations, Practices, and Technology (OPT), and provides a clear roadmap for a successful system implementation or upgrade.

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  • Process Control and SCADA Systems

    Process Control and SCADA systems are the central technology focus of plant operations. To be effective, these systems must be reliable, secure, and operationally focused. EMA can design, configure, and commission state of the art control systems to serve the needs of modern collections, treatment, and distribution systems.

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